See my speaker information here | 2025 speaking engagements | 2024 speaking engagements | 2023 speaking engagements | 2022 speaking engagements | 2021 speaking engagements | 2020 speaking engagements | 2019 speaking engagements | 2018 speaking engagements here

23 February, “Kingston AI Group Overview”, ABC Radio Brisbane, Drive with Steve Austin.3 March, Insights and New Questions for Machine and Natural Learning of Spatial Intelligence in Robots and Animals, 126th International Titisee Conference “NeuroAI – connecting advances in machine learning and neuroscience, Germany14 March, “Strategic Research State of Play Report”, QUT CARRS-Q Strategic Planning Day, Brisbane17 March, Lead Speaker, Electric transport technology opportunities – charging/ software/ interface with the electricity network system /autonomous electric vehicles Panel, at the Electric Transport Industry Transformation Forum, Brisbane, hosted by RACQ, QUT and UQ.22 March, Strategic research snapshots, introspection and pitching, QUT Tier 1 Centre Directors and Managers Meeting28 March, AI and Creativity, Lourdes Hill College, Brisbane, AustraliaApril 3 – 13: various talks throughout the United States03 April, University of California Irvine, California, United States06 April, Notre Dame University, Indiana, United States07 April, New York University, New York City, United States10 April, CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, United States10 April, Hariri Institute for Computing and Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE), Boston University, Boston, United States13 April, Invited Keynote Speaker, Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Conference (NICE), San Antonio, Texas, United States
19 April (18 April in the United States), “Exploring The Performance Potential of Neuromorphic Positioning Systems”, NeuroPAC Forum on Neuromorphic Navigation, online.19 April, Brief on New AI Developments, EDVC group, QUT21 April, “AI, Automation and Robotics”, QUT Industry Breakfast26 April, “Candidate Benchmarking (Jobs/Grants), Interviewing, and Managing Professional Rejection”, ARC ITTC Joint Biomechanics Workshop27 April, AI and Education, ABC Radio Brisbane Drive Program with Steve Austin, listen from 1:06:3309 May, Leader Perspective, QUT Women in STEMM Leadership Shadowing Program End of Program Event, Brisbane23 May, Exciting Opportunities in Adaptive, High Speed Positioning and Perception Systems: Combining Spatial Neuroscience and Neuromorphic Compute and Sensing, AUSMURI Australian Review Meeting, University of Melbourne, Melbourne29 May – 02 June, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1 workshop talk, 6 researcher talks/posters & 3 collaborator workshop talks/posters:02 June, Invited speaker, Active methods in autonomous navigation WorkshopHelen Carson, researcher talk for accepted paper, “Unsupervised Localization Quality Prediction for Improved Single-Frame and Weighted Sequential Visual Place Recognition”Somayeh Hussaini, researcher talk for accepted paper, “Ensembles of Compact, Region-specific & Regularized Spiking Neural Networks for Scalable Place Recognition”Morgan Windsor, researcher talk for accepted paper, “Pose Quality Prediction for Vision Guided Robotic Shoulder Arthroplasty”Connor Malone, researcher talk for accepted paper, “Boosting Performance of a Baseline Visual Place Recognition Technique by Predicting the Maximally Complementary Technique”Dimity Miller, researcher talk for accepted IEEE RA-L paper, “Uncertainty for Identifying Open-Set Errors in Visual Object Detection”Tobias Fischer, researcher talk for accepted IEEE RA-L paper, “How Many Events do You Need? Event-based Visual Place Recognition Using Sparse But Varying Pixels”, IEEE RA-L paper with presentation at ICRA02 June, Workshop Paper: Patch-DrosoNet: Classifying Image Partitions with Fly-Inspired Models For Lightweight Visual Place Recognition, Bruno Arcanjo, Bruno Ferrarini, Michael Milford, Klaus McDonald-Maier and Shoaib Ehsan02 June, Workshop Paper: Visual Place Recognition with Low-Resolution Images, Mihnea-Alexandru Tomiță, Bruno Ferrarini, Michael Milford, Klaus McDonald-Maier and Shoaib Ehsan02 June, Workshop Paper: An Evaluation and Ranking of Different Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition, Maria Waheed, Michael Milford, Xiaojun Zhai, Klaus McDonald-Maier and Shoaib Ehsan
6 June, Digital Learning for Change forum – Future directions for higher education: Learning, digital tools and industry partnerships panel, QUT, Brisbane7 June, invited speaker, Sports Performance, Recovery, Injury and New Technologies (SPRINT) Research Centre, Australian Catholic University (online)13 June, “Two Weeks Touring the US”, talk at QUT Centre for Robotics weekly seminar, QUT and online14 June, Speaker and panelist at “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once – Navigating the Impact of AI”, Compare The Market Event, Brisbane15 June, “2023: The Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Invited speaker, Disability Employment Australia Conference, W Hotel, Brisbane15 June, Speaker and Panel, Generative AI: Opportunities, Challenges, and Uncertainties, QUT, Brisbane.19 June, “Hacking Academia”, HDR Careers Week at QUT, Brisbane25 June, AI and Education, QAMT (Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers) State conference, Sandgate District State High School, BrisbaneInterview: 28 June, ABC’s The World, “Why bees are great at making decisions”, July, “Rewiring your brain – how AI will change the way we work”, ANCA leadership conference, online.10-14 July, Invited speaker at Workshop on Rapid and Robust Robotic Active Learning (R3AL), Robotics Science and Systems conference, Daegu, Korea14 July, How to Build a Superstar profile, QUT Office of Research Bootcamp (remotely online)19 July, “Challenges and Opportunities of Modern-Day Academia”, IEEE ITSS Young Professionals Webinar, online.25 July, “Navigation, Neuroscience and Neural Networks: Building Better Technology for Robots and Autonomous Vehicles”, Navigating Spaces Symposium, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia.26 July, Leadership in an Exciting but Uncertain Future, Year 11 Leadership Day at Indooroopilly State High School, Brisbane27 July, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles and Robots in the Year 2023″, CASE VIP Insight webinar, online8 August, “2023: The Age of AI: What’s Changed, Impacts, Navigating Uncertainty”, QUT Law School Lunchtime Seminar Series Part 1, Brisbane28 September, “Navigating the World of Autonomous Vehicles”, Dubai World Congress For Self-Driving Transport, as international judge for The Dubai World Challenge For Self-Driving Transport, Dubai, UAE.6th October, “Supervising HDRs using Al in their research: a panel discussion”, QUT online session1-5 October, 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Detroit, Team Presentations and Workshop:1 Oct Workshop: Closing the Loop on Localization: What Are We Localizing For, and How Does That Shape Everything We Should Do? Introductory remarks (online)
IROS2023 Paper Presentation: DisPlacing Objects: Improving Dynamic Vehicle Detection Via Visual Place Recognition under Adverse Conditions, presented by Stephen HauslerIROS2023 Paper Presentation: Trajectory Tracking Via Multiscale Continuous Attractor, presented by Therese JosephIROS2023 Paper Presentation: Locking On: Leveraging Dynamic Vehicle-Imposed Motion Constraints to Improve Visual Localization, presented by Stephen HauslerIROS2023 Paper Presentation: A Complementarity-Based Switch-Fuse System for Improved Visual Place Recognition, presented by Tobias Fischer for authors
13 October, Leaders at Lunch series speaker, QUT School of Civil & Environmental Engineering18 October, Plenary Speaker at eResearch Australasia 2023, Brisbane.24 October, Presentation to MIT and University of Auckland MBA students and faculty, Brisbane25 October, Panelist, Mobility 2032: Fast Tracks & Future Hacks, Room 360 QUT, Brisbane- 14 November, “Key Challenges in Robot Localization and an Introduction to the QUT Centre for Robotics”, Invited Talk at University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (ping me for calendar invite)
- 15 November, “How to Navigate a Path Through Exciting and Confronting Developments in Artificial Intelligence”, invited talk to School Leaders, Mathematical Association of Western Australia School Leaders Meeting, 2023 WA Annual Maths Conference, Perth, Australia
- 15 November, “What’s Happening and Not Happening in Autonomous Vehicles, and a Showcase of QUT Robotics”, Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct Open Day, Perth, Australia
- 16 November, “The Age of Artificial Intelligence”, 2023 WA Annual Maths Conference, Perth, Australia
- 23 November, Hopefully good and some definitively bad advice for researchers in the digital AI age (invited keystory talk), Research Bazaar Queensland 2023, University of Queensland
- 24 November, “All About Collaboration”, QUT Centre for Robotics Retreat
- 30 November, “Mentoring Advice for Senior Academics”, jointly with Jonathan Roberts, QUT School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics End of Year Retreat, Gold Coast.