Brisbane City Hall Hollywood New Years Ball Terminator Outfit

Went to the ball and decided to actually make an effort with a costume…which of course had to be The Terminator. Here’s a couple of pics:

Terminator 1

Terminator 1

Terminator 1

Terminator 1

That’s a red LED I soldered some wires to which led down into my pocket where I had two AA batteries in series. Wasn’t exactly the most comfortable setup having this hot, spiky thing right next to my eyeball but it was well worth the sacrifice, as it got me a best costume award on the night πŸ™‚ The grenades were foam bells which I cut the bottom of the bell off, and painted gold, with a black cardboard cylinder as the body of the grenade. The ammo belt was made from felt. Leather jacket was from St Vinnies.

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