This was the start of a second attempt at a 360 degree scroller game. After working on skywar, I left x mode graphics alone for a while and went back to standard 320×200 VGA. The xlib graphics library was great but I always preferred coding and understanding the basic graphics routines myself. Never really got into working with vertical sync stuff, so you may see a wandering horizontal aliasing line floating in the screen when running the program. However the graphics were (in my opinion anyway) a little better than the skywar game, and I also experimented with palette cycling to create nice shimmering water effects. Also the map was multi-layered, so trees could be put over terrain squares and so forth.

Flying over a lake. The water actually shimmers using one of my first forays into the world of palette cycling. I also for the first time used a layered map, so tree or volcano objects could be put over terrain objects. Note also the satellite view map of the local area, with a white dot for your current location.

Flying over some volcanoes. I’ve never been able to draw volcanoes (well anything really), but especially volcanoes.