• A Typical Day at Work on my PhD

    Well the title is really a misnomer, this page really shows <all> the stuff that I get up to with my PhD.  It is rare that all of this happens on one day, although it has been known to happen!

  • Fun With Stop Motion Bionicles

    Inspired by some of the amazing stop motion stuff you can find on the net, we went to work producing a simple one using a lego bionicle, an evil looking creature.  Approximately 110 still frames later, and with a few minutes of post production, this was the final product.  It’s a 3 megabyte file, so it may take a little while to load. Thanks to Damo for moving the parts and DaveP for producing the special effects (static!):

    Stopmotion Bionicle

    Stopmotion Bionicle

  • Robot Navigation from Nature Book


    Robot Navigation from Nature

    Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping, and Path Planning based on Hippocampal Models

    Michael Milford

    “…the most thorough attempt to marry biological navigation in rodents and similar, with robotic navigation…”

    Hardcover: 196 pages

    ISBN-13: 978-3540775195

    Available through Springer, Amazon, and other retailers. Get your own personal copy or one for your library or research group today!

  • My Thesis Accepted for Publication as a Book

    Just got the good news that my thesis has been accepted for publication as a book by Springer Verlag, as part of the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR).



  • PhD Graduation Ceremony

    Had my graduation ceremony today, click on the photo to see a few happy snaps.

  • Phd Hardcopies

    Some of the final permanent binding copies of my thesis, others are already enroute to the central University Library and my department. Ran into a few other very relieved students who were handing in their final temporary or permanent binding copies. Only graduation left now.

    Thesis Permanent Hardcopies

    Thesis Permanent Hardcopies

  • Doctor doctor, give me the news

    Am OFFICIALLY a doctor now, yay.

    Doctor letter

    Doctor letter

  • Thesis Submitted

    After almost exactly 3.5 years, I’ve finally submitted my PhD thesis for examination. Yay!


  • 2006 China Trip International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems

    Got around to putting up my photos from the 2006 International Conference on Robotics and Automation which was held in Beijing, China:

  • 2006 Young Achiever Awards

    Just got back from a gala dinner at the Carlton Crest ballroom for the 2006 Queensland Young Achiever Awards, where I was lucky enough to get the Science and Technology Young Achiever Award. Thanks must go to my supervisor Dr Gordon Wyeth for taking me on in the first place for my PhD as well as for being one of my referees. Thanks also to Dean Lane who was my other referee and Terese for nominating me in the first place. And thank you ITEE, UQ, and the ARC for providing me with the resources and support to really get stuck into my research over the past three and a half years.

    The environment, career achievement, sporting, science and technology, community service, arts, and regional winners. The lady second from the left has sold 43 million dollars of real-estate in the past year and is only 23. The lady immediately to the left of me (picture left) is a gold medallist from the Athens Olympics and the current world record holder in the 200m butterfly, at the age of 19!

    The environment, career achievement, sporting, science and technology, community service, arts, and regional winners. The lady second from the left has sold 43 million dollars of real-estate in the past year and is only 23. The lady immediately to the left of me (picture left) is a gold medallist from the Athens Olympics and the current world record holder in the 200m butterfly, at the age of 19!

    Head of Cartridge World in Queensland presenting the award. Everyone kept asking me if I was building terminator robots...

    Head of Cartridge World in Queensland presenting the award. Everyone kept asking me if I was building terminator robots...