Just found out the RatSLAM system has been referenced (albeit briefly) in a patent by Gerald M. Edelman, the 1972 Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology / Medicine! Here is the paragraph:
While hippocampus models also have been instantiated on mobile robots, many of these also make assumptions, such as the “a priori” information driving the response of hippocampal “place” cells or of a map that is input to the hippocampus. A few robotics models, which do include a neural simulation controlling the mobile robot in a navigation task, learn the mappings and hippocampal responses by autonomous exploration. One such model was very loosely tied to neurobiology and used learning algorithms similar to what is known as back propagation for learning. This developed a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithm inspired by the rodent hippocampus, called RatSLAM, which is a hybrid between Artificial Intelligence SLAM systems and attractor dynamics thought to be represented in the hippocampus to create map-like representations of the environment.

Gerald Edelman