Hacking Academia Tutorial Series

An ever-growing series of video and podcast tutorials (with detailed notes) filled with practical, experience-driven tips and tricks for being effective, happy and successful in modern day academia and related careers.

🚨 How to Use This Page

Each link below goes to a detailed webpage on that topic, which usually contains an:

  • embedded tutorial video πŸ–₯️ from YouTube,
  • a πŸŽ™οΈΒ Podcast LinkΒ πŸŽ™οΈwhere you can listen to the audio version,
  • timestamped topic listing from the video and
  • more detailed notes.

You can also go straight to the:

  • YouTube playlist which contains all videos, each with timestamped topics, but without the detailed text notes.
  • Podcast, which contains the audio versions

🚨 Note that the text-based tutorials lag the videos and podcasts slightly: so if you’re after the most up-to-date, complete set of resources, always check out the YouTube playlist and Podcast directly.

Have a request for a topic – get in touch πŸ“§!

πŸ“ Publishing and Research

πŸ’Ό Career Development

πŸŽ“ Applying for Academic Positions, PhDs and General Jobs

πŸ† Funding, Fellowships, Prizes, Applications

πŸ—£οΈ Soft Skills, Outreach and Engagement

πŸ€” General Life Philosophy and Life Hacking

πŸ’‘ General Thoughts on Various Topics and Stories