Thinking Systems Project

My two superiors Dr Gordon Wyeth and Prof Janet Wiles (along with a number of other chief investigators) are awarded the Australian Research Council Special Research Initiative Application “Thinking Systems: Navigating Through Real and Conceptual Spaces” Grant, worth $3.3 million over 5 years. Here’s the brief description of the project:

The project will provide fundamental insights into physical and conceptual spaces and develop applications in robotics and information systems. The project brings together national and international researchers to study how humans and other animals navigate: how trajectories through space are used to build maps, the neural bases of these mapping processes and how to use maps to achieve goals. The project will develop a new generation of robots that can learn about the physical spaces they work in, and create concept-mapping systems that can map and navigate information spaces. Also, it will provide new insights into the mechanisms regulating human cognition and mental dysfunctions.

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